Stars Of Orion
Listen to the wind blowing through the trees Whispering timeless secrets to your heart. Questions in your mind, lifted
by the breeze Drift like falling leaves as they depart. Stars of Orion, Twinkling in the midnight sky: Feelings
tell me I remember Answers how and reasons why. Listen to the sea pounding on the shore: A dance it's danced
a billion times before. Sufferings in your soul, loosened by the sound, Pour out on the ground and hurt no more. Stars
of Orion, Twinkling in the midnight sky: Feelings tell me I remember Answers how and reasons why. Angels
in a dream, friends you know are true, Take you to a doorway through the sun. When you wake you'll know someone said
to you Things you came to do can now be done. Stars of Orion, Twinkling in the midnight sky: Feelings tell
me I remember Answers how and reasons why.
XVII - The Star
Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies. Where outside influences fail to stop us, our own pessimism can leave us unable
to muster the effort to reach for our dreams. At times like this we need only look up at the night sky to have our faith rekindled.
The lesson of the star is that the universe is a place of wonder and magic, beyond our understanding, where dreams can be
realized and wishes fulfilled in amazing and unpredictable ways.