The School Of Staying Alive
The cowboy and the spaceman Need to get along these days, Learn to give each other room To live in their
own ways, To believe in the way they see things, To behave as they believe And to have their yarn respected
In the tapestry we weave. There are many kinds of creatures With an instinct to survive: Every one
is a natural teacher In the school of staying alive. His trouble with the red man Goes back a long,
long way, But the natives made him welcome When the cowboy came to stay - Didn't send him an invitation,
Didn't know he would stay so long, Didn't think his fallen angels Would try to teach them right from wrong.
From the first they believed in sharing With any man who could survive: Every one is a natural teacher
In the school of staying alive. The native is the father, The cowboy is the son, The spaceman
is the holy ghost And yet these three are one In the eyes of an untouched virgin, In the heart of the Magdalene,
In the hands of the lesbian witches We betrayed and called unclean And to every kind of creature With
an instinct to survive: Every one is a natural teacher In the school of staying alive.
XI - Justice
Indecision can result when the head is disconnected from the heart. Bad decisions can result when the head is fooled by appearances
and false representations. Guilt and regret can result when we second-guess the decisions in our past. The lesson of Justice
is to weigh matters in the heart until we feel a centeredness, then know, without regrets, that we are making the best decision
we can.
The civil war is over, But the north and south still fight To justify by any means The cause they thought was
right, But the fighting itself is evil, The slaves couldn't stay in chains And the children live on a battlefield
While their parents fight remains. They're a different kind of creature With an instinct to survive: Every
one is a natural teacher In the school of staying alive. We fought a revolution So that all men could
be free, Framed the constitution To protect our liberty - But the bribers in the lobby And the traitors
on the throne
Stole a trillion dollars While our backs were turned And left our kids to pay the loan. All we saw were
their fingers pointing At the homeless and the poor, At the blacks and abortion mothers Who couldn't make
ends meet no more And at all the battered children Using drugs to numb their pain So we re-elect the criminals
While their victims take the blame. Now the world's been filled with poisons, The ozone's fading away
And the final test in survival school Is our vote on judgement day. If we fight for our rights together,
Something tells me we'll survive: Everyone is a natural teacher In the school of staying alive