
Moving Meditations: Dances Of Universal Peace

This circle belongs to all of us. It is a cooperative group effort. As organizers, there are many things that we do to contribute to the success of this circle. We plan and practice; we  rent, insure and beautify the space; we organize and lead the dances; we sweep the floor before, and clean up after the dance; we publicize the dance with flyers, radio interviews, news releases and on social media.

As participants, the best way you can support this circle is to contribute financially. If you feel nourished by this circle, if you feel you have gotten some value from it, please give what you can and hopefully what it is worth to you.

What is an hour and a half of relaxing, uplifting, stress-releasing, heart-healing, soul-nourishing, singing and dancing worth to you? The cost of everything has risen much faster than our perception of the value of money. It's not unusual to pay almost $5 for a cup of coffee. A typical yoga class now averages $12 per hour. While the cost of renting a hall to dance in has quadrupled (at least) since 1990, the average donation has remained the same for the last 25 years. Isn’t a whole evening of sacred dance more valuable than the current cost of a caramel frappucino?

We suggest a donation of $7 - $20 because it costs us $75 for rent, insurance, and other expenses to present an evening of dances - and beyond that we put in many hours of preparation and practice each week to make each dance a rewarding experience for you.

No one who is truly needy will ever be turned away from our circle for lack of funds, but we do hope that all who can contribute something to the life of our circle will promote their own happiness and spiritual well-being by offering a fair energy-exchange for what they receive. We truly appreciate it!

Make your contribution!
Please click the "Donate"
button below!

Thank you so much!

We greatly appreciate what you contribute
to our dance circle.