
Moving Meditations: Dances Of Universal Peace
Corporate Dances

Brings people together and
creates a sense
of unity.

We will come to your place of business and offer your employees a refreshing session of Dances Of Universal Peace.

We tailor our presentation to suit your needs. We can lead weekly, bi-weekly or monthly sessions of one, one and a half or two hours.

We can also facilitate one-time or periodic events of longer duration: a morning, an afternoon or a day-long or weekend retreat.

To schedule a dance session or inquire about arrangements, please email us at:


People need to feed their spirits as much as feed their bodies. We get a lunch break, but what about a break that refreshes us spiritually? Without it, our performance will suffer.

The Dances Of Universal Peace uphold the value of life and the reality of a benevolent universal consciousness. Beyond that we have no doctrine or dogma, but attune ourselves to the reality of being by honoring all paths that espouse peace and respect for all humanity.

Increase Productivity

Lower Healthcare Costs

Improve Problem-Solving

Raise Morale

Stimulate Creativity

Decrease Health Problems

Build Camaraderie

Strengthen Teamwork

Reduce Absenteeism

Promote Respect Between Employees of Different Cultures

For scientific evidence please read the article and footnotes on the page: The Benefits Of Dancing